Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Internal Mind Configuration through Remote Mass Data Injection

Heart fully loaded with core input feeds
Emotions grids implanted, upgrade complete
Mind stabilized in post-installation state
Corrective measures applied successfully

Thoughts geared to connect with instruction sequences
Sent through the main satellite data server
Cosmic waves are received, translated to micro-code
Binary scripts are transformed and loaded

Remotely guided subject ready to be activated
Brain port 6855 open to signal sent by the military
Altering testosterone level to control
Counter-productive revolt-inclined sentiments

Decrease blood stream to suppress passion
Lower heart rate to achieve stability
Downgrade brain waves to shut down unwanted processes

Subject now poses no threat to system maintenance
Subject has been migrated to Human V4.8, Patch 23rd
Subject configured to serve blindly
Subject willing to die willfully
Subject ready for slavery
Subject = state client
Subject <= NULL